In His Spotlight

Have you ever been on stage? If you haven't, let me tell you, those lights are bright! I remember being in plays when I was a kid and the lights made me less nervous! Know why? Because I couldn't see anyone! I couldn't see anyone out in the audience or recognize faces because those bright lights were in my eyes.

Today I was reminded of that. We show pigs and this year stinks. We have never placed this low or done this bad in all our years of showing. It's not fun! It's not been fun to watch my girls suffer through our county and regional shows after months of hard work. If I'm honest, I've wondered why a little bit. I've preached to my kids about our "why" for showing. We are in this to glorify God. It is our family's "why" for everything we do - or it should be. So, I've wondered why, to my God, would he pull my girls out of the spotlight where they could shine for him?

Today I realized why. When you're in the spotlight you don't see the people who aren't in the spotlight with you! When you get outside of those bright lights, you start to see those people who are in the shadows with you. The people who are feeling unseen, discouraged, or alone "backstage."

The past few years of success we've had in showing pigs have been great! It has been a lot of fun and it's awesome to see your children rewarded for what they're working so hard at. However, I'm really thankful for this bad year, believe it or not. I'm thankful for the new perspective it has given me and the way it's made me open my eyes to so many opportunities to glorify my God in ways that do not involve my children being glorified in the process.

My oldest daughter asked me today to stay back and not watch her show one of her pigs because someone else needed help getting ready to go in the ring. My girl got 9th place, but she had me tearing up with pride. I'm proud of her work with her livestock, but I'm way more proud of her character.

Sometimes I believe it's the little things no one else sees that God is looking at with HIS spotlight. And, that is always the greatest light to be in.

(Originally posted 3/3/2018)


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